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Experimental Dream Schemes
In Season 1 Episode 19 of Doraemon, titled “Experimental Dream Schemes”, Noby is struggling with his schoolwork and decides to take a nap to relieve some stress. Doraemon gives him a gadget pillow, the Dream Player, which can induce specific types of dreams.
- Instructor Dream: Noby chooses an instructor dream against Doraemon’s advice. In this dream, he meets a clone of himself acting as an instructor. The clone makes him jog through town, stay in the cold half-naked, and do homework afterwards. Noby finds the clone too pushy and forces himself to wake up.
- A Pirate Story: Despite Doraemon’s warning not to switch dreams midway, Noby chooses a pirate-themed dream. He becomes the captain of a large pirate ship and enjoys the luxuries of being a pirate. He meets Sue in the dream, and they chat about where the treasure could be. However, when Noby learns that it would take three days to reach the mainland, he forces himself to wake up.
- Science Fiction Dream: Noby then switches to a science fiction dream. He flies in space with his ship and the rest of his people to defeat an Imperial Cruiser led by Sneech, leader of the Sneechians. However, when it requires math problems to find a password, Noby loses his ship after giving a wrong answer, and forces himself to wake up.
Throughout these dreams, Noby repeatedly gives up on each type of dream when things don’t go his way, only to find out he may have broken the Dream Player altogether.This episode is unique as it takes up the length of two segments instead of being paired with another. It showcases Noby’s adventures in various dream scenarios and his interactions with his friends in these dreams.
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